Encouraging Words from our Principal.
Dear Student,
Welcome to the Whizzkid fold!
Whizzkid started out as a little school that aimed at imparting high value education to young minds in the holy city of Haridwar. We must have done something right that today Whizzkid stands out as an institution in all spheres - academics, activities and sports.
Educating the young mind is a very big challenge in current times since the distractions just keep on growing. Information is exploding all around us, and the role of a teacher has changed, from that of a repository of knowledge to that of a motivator and guide. The fact that knowledge is available on the Internet is not an excuse for a teacher to be less-informed, but a challenge to be even better informed. However, in addition, a teacher also ought to be a friend, philosopher and guide to every student under her care.
Whizzkid keeps itself up to date with changing times and that, to my mind, in some ways contributes to our success. We try to stay true to our motto - Global Vision, Local Wisdom.
Whizzkid aspires to be growing family of young people that work towards making our country, state and city a better place. We emphasize human values and embark on a quest for knowledge that opens up our minds. Come, join the quest for making a better tomorrow